From London

In English

What Is The Future Of The Square Mile?

With the Covid Crisis, Brexit and the new methods of labour, The City of London is becoming a hard place to work.

COP26: 5 greenest startups in the UK 2021

During COP26, some world leaders have discussed the new ways to make a global transition. In the startups’ world, some projects have been created with the business and sustainable in mind. Find some of those greenest projects in the UK.

French cinema in London: François Truffaut “For the Love of Films”

The British Film Institute (BFI) and the Intistut Français have created a retrospective to celebrate the leading figure of the Nouvelle Vague, François Truffaut. Since January, films, books and events are able until February at the BFI Southbank.

#RideForYourCity: Fitness and green energy

The event “Bloomberg PWR Ride” created by Bloomberg in partnership with Energym, has intrigued some bystanders in Central London. Between technology, sport and sustainability, the event proposed a new way to create “green energy” using an indoor bike and the human power.

Event coming soon: Women in Tech Excellence Awards 2021

To showcase the incredible women talent in the IT area, and principally with new issues, the event Women in Tech Excellence Award, come back this year in next 28th November.